Publications & Resources
Restoring the Public Purpose of America’s Urban Universities
June 20, 2024
Ira Harkavy and Rita A. Hodges (editors)
A University and Public High School Partnership for Personalized, Accelerated Science Learning
Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship
January 3, 2024
Erin Purvis, Richard Gordon, Louis Lozzi, Loretta Flanagan-Cato
The Community Schools Revolution: Building Partnerships, Transforming Lives, Advancing Democracy
June 5, 2023
Martin Blank, Ira Harkavy, Jane Quinn, Lisa Villarreal, David Goodman
Dewey, Implementation, and Creating a Democratic Civic University
The Pluralist
March 3, 2023
Ira Harkavy
Higher Education Institutions are Anchors for Democracy
University World News
July 5, 2022
Sjur Bergan, Ira Harkavy, Rita Hodges, Ronaldo Munck, Yadira Pinilla and Hilligje van’t Land
Higher Education and COVID-19: Global and Local Responses
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
April 12, 2022
Ira Harkavy and Rita A. Hodges
Towards Creating the Truly Engaged, Responsive University: Penn’s Partnership with the West Philadelphia Community as an Experiment in Progress
Chapter 3 in The Responsive University and the Crisis in South Africa, Chris Brink (Ed.)
July 1, 2021
By Ira Harkavy, Rita A. Hodges, Joann Weeks
Universities after Neoliberalism: How to Build a Democratic Civic University
Nonprofit Quarterly
August 18, 2021
Ira Harkavy and Rita A. Hodges
Partnerships for Equity and Excellence: The Community School Strategy
June 17, 2021
Martin J. Blank, Ira Harkavy, Jane Quinn, and Lisa R. Villarreal
Change universities to change capitalism
Pennsylvania Capital-Star
May 26, 2021
Ira Harkavy and Rita A. Hodges
The Fight for Diverse, Inclusive, Antiracist and Just Democracies
Inside Higher Ed
May 4, 2021
KerryAnn O'Meara, Ahmed Bawa, Hugo Garcia, Ira Harkavy, Rita Hodges and Hilligje Van’t Land
HE must help build a more sustainable, democratic future
University World News
April 11, 2021
Sjur Bergan, Tony Gallagher, Ira Harkavy, Ronaldo Munck and Hilligje van’t Land
Higher Education Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic - Chapter 1
Council of Europe
March 1, 2021
Sjur Bergan, Tony Gallagher, Ira Harkavy, Ronaldo Munck and Hilligje van’t Land
Higher education's response to the Covid-19 pandemic - Building a more sustainable and democratic future
Council of Europe
March 1, 2021
Sjur Bergan, Tony Gallagher, Ira Harkavy, Ronaldo Munck and Hilligje van’t Land (editors)
Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy and the Future of Democracy
Council of Europe
September 18, 2020
Sjur Bergan, Tony Gallagher, and Ira Harkavy (editors)
Universities must help shape the post-COVID-19 world
University World News
April 18, 2020
Ira Harkavy, Sjur Bergan, Tony Gallagher and Hilligje van’t Land
Balancing academic rights and responsibilities
University World News
February 15, 2020
Ira Harkavy
The Local Mission of Higher Education: Principles and Practice
Glasnevin Publishing
May 29, 2019
Sjur Bergan, Ira Harkavy, and Ronaldo Munck (editors)
Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy, and the Engaged University
Transform: The Journal of Engaged Scholarship
September 1, 2019
Ira Harkavy and Sjur Bergan
Higher Education for Diversity, Social Inclusion and Community: A Democratic Imperative
Council of Europe
May 14, 2018
Sjur Bergan and Ira Harkavy (editors)
Shared Accountability and Higher Education: A Compact Guide for Broadening Participation in STEM
NSF-supported brochure
May 1, 2018
Ira Harkavy and Louis Martin-Vega
A Service-Learning Chemistry Course as a Model To Improve Undergraduate Scientific Communication Skills
Journal of Chemical Education
March 16, 2018
By Stan Najmr, Joanna Chae, Mara L. Greenberg, Cory Bowman, Ira Harkavy, and Jenine R. Maeyer
Assessing Performance and Developing an Accountability System for Broadening Participation: The Role of Higher Education
Report on an NSF-Funded Meeting
October 20, 2017
Ira Harkavy, Louis Martin-Vega, Daryl Chubin, Rita A. Hodges, and Joanna Chae
Knowledge for Social Change: Bacon, Dewey, and the Revolutionary Transformation of Research Universities in the Twenty-First Century
Temple University Press
July 1, 2017
By Lee Benson, Ira Harkavy, John Puckett, Matthew Hartley, Rita A. Hodges, Francis E. Johnston, and Joann Weeks
Better STEM Outcomes: Developing an Accountability System for Broadening Participation
Report on an NSF-Funded Workshop
March 31, 2017
Daryl Chubin, Ira Harkavy, Louis Martin-Vega
Engaging Urban Universities as Anchor Institutions for Health Equity
American Journal of Public Health
November 10, 2016
By Ira Harkavy
Higher Education for Democratic Innovation
Council of Europe
March 6, 2016
Edited by Sjur Bergan, Tony Gallagher, and Ira Harkavy
Creating the Connected Institution: Towards Realizing Benjamin Franklin's and Ernest Boyer's Revolutionary Vision for American Higher Education
Redefining the Paradigm: Faculty Models to Support Student Learning
January 23, 2015
By Ira Harkavy
Realizing STEM Equity and Diversity through Higher Education-Community Engagement
NSF Supported White Paper
January 1, 2015
By Ira Harkavy, Nancy Cantor, and Myra Burnett
Effective Governance of a University as an Anchor Institution: University of Pennsylvania as a Case Study
Leadership and Governance in Higher Education: Handbook for Decision-Makers and Administrators (Berlin: Raabe Academic Publishers)
January 1, 2014
By Ira Harkavy, Matthew Hartley, Rita A. Hodges, Anthony Sorrentino and Joann Weeks
The Promise of University-Assisted Community Schools to Transform American Schooling: A Report from the Field, 1985–2012
Peabody Journal
October 23, 2013
Ira Harkavy, Matthew Hartley, Rita A. Hodges, Joann Weeks
Reimagining democratic societies: a new era of personal and social responsibility
Council of Europe higher education series no. 18
January 1, 2013
By Sjur Bergan, Ira Harkavy and Hilligje van't Land (Editors)
Cooperating Across the Atlantic: Helping Realize Higher Education's Democratic Mission
Association of American Colleges and Universities Vol. 16 No. 1
December 1, 2013
By Sjur Bergan and Ira Harkavy
The Road Half Traveled: University Engagement at a Crossroads
November 1, 2012
By Rita Axelroth Hodges and Steve Dubb
Democratic Devolution: How America's Colleges and Universities Can Strengthen Their Communities
Progressive Policy Institute
October 1, 2012
By Ira Harkavy and Rita A. Hodges
Understanding the Role of Research Universities in Improving College Preparation and Access at Local Urban High Schools
Metropolitan Universities
June 1, 2012
By Laura W. Perna, Ira Harkavy, and Cory Bowman
Democratic Transformation through University-Assisted Community Schools
Chapter 3 in "To Serve a Larger Purpose": Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education by John Saltmarsh and Matthew Hartley
January 1, 2011
By Lee Benson, Ira Harkavy, and John Puckett
Pursuing Franklin’s Dream: Philosophical and Historical Roots of Service-Learning
American Journal of Community Psychology
September 21, 2010
By Ira Harkavy and Matthew Hartley
Chapter 8: Anchor Institutions as Partners in Building Successful Communities and Local Economies
Retooling HUD for a Catalytic Federal Government: A Report to Secretary Shaun Donovan
February 1, 2009
By Ira Harkavy (Task Force Chair)
Anchor Institutions Toolkit. A guide for neighborhood revitalization
Netter Center
March 1, 2008
By Eleanor Sharpe