College junior named 2015 Truman Scholar
College junior named 2015 Truman Scholar
Joe Li
The Daily Pennsylvanian
Penn has a Truman Scholar for the third year running.
College junior Adam Cohen was named a 2015 Truman Scholar, the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation announced on Wednesday.
About 60 American students receive the scholarship — which provides a monetary award for current college students planning to pursue public service or government-based graduate and professional degrees — each year for their potential to become public service leaders. Cohen was awarded the scholarship for his contributions to the public education system.
An urban studies major, Cohen is involved in extracurricular activities that aim to improve public education, specifically for West Philadelphia high school students. He works closely with the Netter Center for Community Partnerships to coordinate Penn student teaching efforts in those schools.
Click here for the whole story, which includes commentary from Cory Bowman and Ira Harkavy.