Farm and Resource Center connects community with land, food, and one another
Farm and Resource Center connects community with land, food, and one another
Heather A. Davis
Penn Current
On a particularly rain-soaked spring afternoon at the Community Farm and Rescource Center at Bartram’s Garden, located in Southwest Philadelphia, curly kale seedlings are going into the ground.
Ty Holmberg, Community Farm and Resource Center co-director, is being assisted by a handful of Penn students who are putting the young plants into rows in the main garden, and then covering the seedlings with a protective layer of hay. It’s hard work—and on this rainy Friday afternoon, it’s muddy work, too.
But that doesn’t stop the dedicated growers—nor one hearty neighbor who braves the rain to plant some turnip greens seeds in her raised bed in the farm’s onsite community garden.
The growing, learning, and engagement happens at the farm, rain or shine, and in myriad ways. It happens both with Penn students who work and volunteer at the farm, and with members of the community who come to the space to connect with their cultural food history and one another.