Racism and Violence: Strategies with Impact, A Roundtable Discussion
Racism and Violence: Strategies with Impact, A Roundtable Discussion
This event has now passed. A recording is available here.
Each year, the University of Pennsylvania sponsors the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Symposium on Social Change.
As part of the two-week programming, the Barbara and Edward Netter Center for Community Partnerships, founded in 1992 as the University’s primary vehicle for advancing civic and community engagement, will be sponsoring a virtual program entitled, “Racism and Violence: Strategies with Impact, A Roundtable Discussion”.
This roundtable discussion will focus on the link between violence and racism and feature presentations and discussion of strategies and programs to reduce violence in the community.
Moderated by:
Dr. Valerie Allen, MSW, DSW - Director of the African-American Resource Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Regina Bynum, Director of Teaching and Learning for University-Assisted Community School Programs at the Netter Center.
Paulette Branson, Director of University-Assisted Community Schools Sports, Fitness, and Health Program at the Netter Center.
Dr. Stephen S. Leff, Ph.D., Co-Director of the Center for Violence Prevention at the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania.