Silverman Fellows

Silverman Fellows work to strengthen literacy and communication skills among K-12 students, with a focus on promoting wellness and creating art & media to share with the wider community. Fellows plan and implement programs in our partner public schools, with options during the school day, afterschool, and summer. They fall into two main job categories:

Arts Teaching Associates

A range of creative projects are available, depending on Fellows’ interests and the needs of the partner schools. Sample placements include:

  • dance, theatre, drumming, and yoga with elementary and middle school students
  • mindfulness and de-escalation support with the West Philly High Calm Space
  • training high school students to be museum guides at the Paul Robeson House
  • in-class mentoring with high school English classes
  • writing coaching at the Robeson High School Writing Center

To apply, please fill out the form here:


Robeson High School Writing Center Coaches

The Writing Center is a safe and welcoming place where Robeson students of all skill and grade levels can come in at any stage of the writing process to work on any kind of writing project. We help boost writing skills and confidence while encouraging students to follow their innate curiosity and supporting accountability. The Center also hosts the school’s Slam Poetry Club. Penn students staff the Writing Center, offering individual and small group writing coaching sessions for Robeson students. Coaches assist with marketing the Writing Center to Robeson students, and mentor Robeson students doing peer-to-peer marketing. Poetry Club coaches guide students through creation, development, and performance of their original poetry. The Writing Center is located at Paul Robeson High School (42nd & Ludlow Streets) and is open in-person Monday-Thursday from 3pm-5pm. 

To apply to be a Writing Center and/or Poetry Club Coach, please fill out the form here:


Contact: Silverman Fellows Coordinator,