Reimagining Democratic Societies: new volume co-edited by Ira Harkavy
Reimagining Democratic Societies: new volume co-edited by Ira Harkavy
Julie McWilliams
Penn News
ra Harkavy, Netter Center Director and Chair of the US Steering Committee of the International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility and Democracy and colleagues from the Council of Europe (Sjur Bergan) and the International Association of Universities (Hilligje van’t Land) have co-edited a new volume in the Council of Europe’s higher education series: Reimagining democratic societies: a new era of personal and social responsibility (Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2013)
The volume was prompted by the Global Forum held in June 2011 in Oslo on the book’s topic. The Global Forum was co-sponsored by the Council of Europe (CoE), the International Association of Universities (IAU), and The University of Oslo hosted the participants as part of its 200th anniversary celebrations in collaboration with the Council of Europe, European Wergeland Centre (EWC), and the International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility and Democracy (IC).
The authors—academics, policy makers and practitioners from Europe and the United States—make the case for why democratic reimagination and innovation cannot succeed without higher education and why higher education cannot fulfill its educational, academic and societal missions without working for the common good. Case studies provide examples of how higher education can contribute to reimaging and reinvigorating democracy.