Students put unused meal swipes to good cause: fighting hunger
Students put unused meal swipes to good cause: fighting hunger
Shoba Babu
The Daily Pennsylvanian
It looks like all those unused meal swipes this semester didn’t go to waste after all.
Earlier this month, Penn presented a cheque to Philabundance, a local hunger relief organization, for the $7,291.25 that was gathered from the Swipe Out Hunger Campaign. Between 800 and 900 Penn students participated in the campaign, which was able to garner a grand total of 1,535 unused meal swipes during its set donation days.
The campaign — which had its pilot run this semester — was the brainchild of rising College juniors Liza Lansing and Jessie Abrams, who partnered with Penn Dining and Penn’s food service provider Bon Appetit to allow students to “donate” their unused meal swipes. For each of the donated unused swipes, Bon Appetit gave Philabundance $4.75.
The Daily Pennsylvanian also reports that this program was inspired by one of Ira Harkavy's ABCS urban studies courses.